Hiking and Nature June 12, 2023

Exploring the Enchanting Multnomah Creek: A Hiker’s Paradise

Nestled within the breathtaking Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, Multnomah Creek is a hidden gem that beckons hikers and nature enthusiasts alike. With its cascading waterfalls, lush greenery, and enchanting trails, this picturesque destination offers an unforgettable hiking experience. Join us as we embark on a journey to discover the wonders of Multnomah Creek and uncover the secrets it holds.

  1. The Allure of Multnomah Falls: Multnomah Creek takes center stage as it plunges down in a spectacular display, forming the iconic Multnomah Falls. As you begin your hike, you’ll be captivated by the thunderous roar and misty ambiance created by the 620-foot-tall cascade. The lower observation platform offers an up-close view, allowing you to witness the sheer power and beauty of nature. Prepare to be awe-struck!
  2. Hiking the Lush Multnomah Basin Trail: Embarking on the Multnomah Basin Trail, you’ll be transported into a world of enchantment. This moderate-level hike stretches approximately 6 miles round trip and takes you through the heart of the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. As you meander along the trail, you’ll be surrounded by a diverse ecosystem, featuring towering Douglas firs, vibrant wildflowers, and delicate ferns.
  3. Discover Hidden Gems: While Multnomah Falls steals the spotlight, Multnomah Creek has more to offer beyond its grand waterfall. Explore the lesser-known areas of the creek to find hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Marvel at the numerous smaller cascades, tranquil pools, mini-waterfalls, and small feeder streams that dot the creek as you traverse its path. The serene beauty and the melodic sound of the flowing water create a soothing atmosphere that invites you to immerse yourself in nature’s embrace.
  4. A Photographer’s Paradise: If you have a passion for photography, Multnomah Creek will not disappoint. Each twist and turn of the trail presents stunning vistas that are a visual feast for the eyes. From capturing the powerful flow of Multnomah Falls, to documenting the delicate details of the lush foliage, to breathtaking views of the Columbia River Gorge, you’ll find endless opportunities to unleash your creativity. Don’t forget to bring your camera or smartphone to capture the memories.
  5. Tips for a Memorable Hike:
  • Wear comfortable hiking shoes and dress in layers, as the weather in the Columbia River Gorge can be unpredictable.
  • Bring a water bottle and stay hydrated throughout the hike.
  • Pack snacks or a picnic lunch to enjoy along the way. Be aware that there are no tables beyond the visitor center. Your options are going to be dirt, or boulders to use as your table.
  • Be mindful of the trail etiquette and practice Leave No Trace principles. Help preserve the pristine beauty of Multnomah Creek for future generations.
  • Check weather conditions and trail closures before your visit, as the area occasionally experiences seasonal closures or restrictions.
  • I always recommend taking a first aid kit with bandages, triple antibiotic ointment and hydrocortisone cream when hiking, especially when with children, for scrapes, cuts, and skin irritation from plants or mosquitoes.
  • For Families: if you are planning to go to the top of the falls with children under 5, be mindful that you may need to carry them some of the way up the mile long trail at a fairly steep incline to get to the top of the falls. Also be mindful on hot days, when kids want to play in the water, the creek bed, while fairly shallow, is slippery with a clearly visible current.  Extreme cation and water shoes are recommended if you are allowing your child to play in the water.

Hiking Multnomah Creek is a rejuvenating experience that allows you to connect with nature and immerse yourself in its wonders. Whether you’re drawn to the grandeur of Multnomah Falls, the tranquility of the creek, or the hidden treasures along the trail, this destination offers something for everyone. So lace up your hiking boots, pack your sense of adventure, and embark on a journey to Multnomah Creek—a true hiker’s paradise that will leave you spellbound and inspired.